My name is Lilith Maclin and if you suffer from a digestive disorder, you can find a wealth of information about this type of medical condition in my blog. Three years ago, my husband was having severe stomach cramps and his doctor told him that he had a digestive disorder called ulcerative colitis. After my husband was diagnosed, I did thorough research to learn how to control and manage this disorder. We kept track of everything that my husband ate and when a certain food caused a flare-up of his condition, he eliminated that food from his diet. By learning all we could about this digestive disorder, my husband has been able to live pain free. If you want more information about this disorder and how to manage it, you can find it here by reading my blog.
Louella Davidson
There aren't too many things that are more unnerving than a lapse in memory. However, it is something that most people experience when they get older. While most people are fine with forgetting something when they're young, some of them become extremely worried about the risk of Alzheimer's disease and permanent memory loss when it occurs later in life. Luckily, there are certain vitamins and supplements that you can take to give your memory a boost, as discussed within this article.
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B-12 works to keep your red blood cells and nerve cells healthy and strong. Older adults tend to suffer a vitamin B-12 deficiency, which can result in memory loss. According to an expert at Mayo Clinic, if you have a B-12 deficiency, adding vitamin B-12 supplements to your diet or eating foods rich in vitamin B-12 can improve your memory.
Good Sources of Vitamin B-12
If you want to add more vitamin B-12 to your diet along with the vitamin supplements, you can start eating more fish, poultry, beef and dairy products. According to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, some specific foods include salmon, tuna, yogurt, cheese and double cheeseburgers. For vegetarians, a fortified breakfast cereal can do the trick.
Vitamin E
A published study in the Journal of the American Medical Association notated that individuals who had been diagnosed with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease were able to get a memory boost from vitamin E. The study shows that 2000 IU/d of vitamin E can help slow down the cognitive decline, which can also provide some relief to caregivers.
Good Sources of Vitamin E
There are many sources of vitamin E that you could consider adding to your daily diet, including nuts, oils and green leafy vegetables. Some specific sources of vitamin E include almonds, sunflower oil, spinach, broccoli, tomato, kiwifruit and mango. Fortified cereals, again, are good for vegetarians.
Omega-3 Fish Oil
According to University of Maryland Medical Center (UMM), decreased intake of these fatty acids may actually speed up cognitive decline and memory issues. In addition, researchers found in a 2012 medical study that an increase in the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids could help improve the working memory in young adults who are considered healthy. At the same time, a 2008 published study shows that it can help reduce your risk of developing memory-related illnesses, such as Alzheimer's and dementia.
Good Sources of Omega-3s
The UMM states that some of the best foods to get your omega-3 intake would be to consume nut oils, fish and plant-based foods. Some specific examples include tuna, salmon, canola oil, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.
Whether you're young or old, it is important to take care of your brain. One of the easiest ways to do that is by consuming the three supplements mentioned above, which can be purchased at most vitamin stores, like Corner Drugs. Check with your physician to make sure that you are taking an appropriate amount.