Managing Digestive Disorders
About Me
Managing Digestive Disorders

My name is Lilith Maclin and if you suffer from a digestive disorder, you can find a wealth of information about this type of medical condition in my blog. Three years ago, my husband was having severe stomach cramps and his doctor told him that he had a digestive disorder called ulcerative colitis. After my husband was diagnosed, I did thorough research to learn how to control and manage this disorder. We kept track of everything that my husband ate and when a certain food caused a flare-up of his condition, he eliminated that food from his diet. By learning all we could about this digestive disorder, my husband has been able to live pain free. If you want more information about this disorder and how to manage it, you can find it here by reading my blog.

Managing Digestive Disorders

3 Signs Your Teen Is Abusing Opiates

Louella Davidson

Opiates, such as prescription pain relievers, often can offer relief for patients experiencing an injury or medical condition, but they can also lead to addictions and abuse of other drugs, such as heroin. As a matter of fact, most teens who abuse drugs first started taking opiates that were prescribed by a doctor.  Monitoring your teen at all hours of the day may seem like the best option for preventing a drug problem, but it is not realistic. If you are noticing one or more of the following signs, your teen is most likely abusing opiates.

Emotional Changes

All teens experience mood swings due to the different hormonal changes in their body. However, if your teen is showing unusual changes in their mood, there may be a serious drug issue to address.

Teens who are abusing opiates may show irrational or overly dramatic behavior. They may be irritable or even verbally abusive to you, teachers, classmates, and siblings.

Also, teens who are using drugs may also become depressed. They may withdraw from friends and family and no longer want to participate in hobbies, sports, or other activities they once enjoyed.

Physical Changes

If your teen's appearance is changing, they may have a drug problem. Here are a few physical signs to look for:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Chronic nosebleeds
  • Fatigue, drowsiness
  • Shaking hands and legs, tremors

Teenagers that usually care about their appearance may stop basic grooming and bathing once they are addicted to drugs. If your teen is abusing opiates, they may no longer take showers, wash or fix their hair, or brush their teeth. Your teen may also begin wearing dirty clothes or not getting out of their pajamas when it is time to get dressed.

 Behavior Changes

Lastly, a teenager who is addicted to opiates will change display changes in their behavior, as well.

If your teen was a good student, but is now getting poor grades and missing school, they may have their focus on drugs instead of their education.

Your teen may be hanging around with new friends who you have never met before. These new friends may be helping your teen get drugs.

Teens that are addicted to drugs may also be more secretive. They may whisper while on the phone or when they are with friends. They may also try to hide texts and emails from you.

Individuals who abuse drugs will show emotional, physical, and behavioral changes so you need to know the signs. If your teenager is displaying one or more of these signs, it is time to seek out professional opiate addiction treatment for their addiction.
