My name is Lilith Maclin and if you suffer from a digestive disorder, you can find a wealth of information about this type of medical condition in my blog. Three years ago, my husband was having severe stomach cramps and his doctor told him that he had a digestive disorder called ulcerative colitis. After my husband was diagnosed, I did thorough research to learn how to control and manage this disorder. We kept track of everything that my husband ate and when a certain food caused a flare-up of his condition, he eliminated that food from his diet. By learning all we could about this digestive disorder, my husband has been able to live pain free. If you want more information about this disorder and how to manage it, you can find it here by reading my blog.
Louella Davidson
Your heart is what keeps you going. Your heart is responsible for keeping you going and healthy. That is why you need to make sure that you are always taking proper care of your heart. If cardiac events run in your family or you have already experienced a cardiac event, it is even more important for you to take great care of your heart.
#1 Get Rid of Extra Salt
First, you are going to want to work at getting rid of salt in your diet.
When you get rid of salt on your diet, don't focus on table salt. You need to start reading the ingredients of the food that you purchase and find foods that are low in salt. Salt has lots of different names that it hides behind. Look for the following names on labels: sodium citrate, sodium alginate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulfite, sodium benzoate, sodium caseinate, monosodium glutamate, and disodium phosphate.
Eschew high-salt foods however you can. Sticking to unprocessed foods is a great way to reduce salt in your diet. It is better to add your own salt to your food instead of eating food that has salt in it already.
#2 Watch Your Fats
Next, you need to watch the type of fat that you are putting into your body. The fats that you eat contribute to your cholesterol level. You want to keep your cholesterol level low in order to protect your heart.
To preserve small cholesterol heights, you need to understand what foods are low in fat. Meets such as turkey and chicken are low in fat. Low-fat or fat-free dairy products are good for your heart, along with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Basically, by sticking to a healthy diet, you can control the fats you eat and take care of your cholesterol level.
#3 Increase Your Water Intake
Your body is made of water, and your body needs water to function. Drink lots of water throughout the day. Drink water with every meal. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day. Staying well hydrated all the time is great for your heart.
#4 Visit Your Doctor
Finally, be sure to visit your doctor at once a year. Health insurance companies insist upon yearly check-ups for a reason. Yearly check-ups are the best way to monitor your overall health and let you know about any issues that may impact your heart far enough in advance for you to make some changes that will protect your health.
For more information, reach out to a local cardiac care center.